SWBC Faculty


Daniel Fick serves as the Director of Studies at Southwest Bible College.  In his 50+ years in the ministry, he served in pastoral ministry for 22 years, and has worked in Bible College teaching and administration positions for more than 30 years. He has a BA in Religion and a MA in Theological Studies.  He has served as a Board member of the College since 2000.

Shari Carlson has served in various ministries for 50 years - Christian Education, Music Ministry, Women’s Ministries, and Church Management.  She spent 10 years as a missionary in Indonesia to an unreached people group.  She is presently on staff at Moreno Christian Assembly and serves as a professor at Southwest Bible College.  She is a graduate of Southern California College.

Pastor Gabriel Carlson serves as the Teaching Pastor at Moreno Christian Assembly and is also a professor at Southwest Bible College.  He graduated from Southwest Bible College in 2011 with a Bachelor of Biblical Studies Degree with a Ministry Major. He graduated from Faith International University in 2022 with a Masters in Theological Studies.