Tuition Costs
“On Campus” Tuition cost is $80 per credit unit. For credits taken on our campus, 12-17 credits
can be taken at $880 per quarter or $2640 per school year. For those taking more than 17 credits
on campus, an additional $40 will be charged for each additional credit. When husband and wife
both take 12-17 credits, there is one-half (1/2) reduction in the tuition for the spouse. Financial
arrangements must be made at registration. A refund schedule is outlined in the catalog.
Application Fee
At the time of application for entrance to Southwest Bible College, there is a one time non-
refundable application fee of $25.00 required.
“On Campus Courses” – Additional Information
Auditing Fee are charged for auditing a course. This is a $40 per audit hour fee, which is non-
refundable. If class work is turned in and a grade received, the class can be turned into a “for
credit” class by becoming an accepted student and paying the credit hour fee for the course.
Deferred Payment Fee are charged to all students not paying their total quarterly bill for tuition and
fees on or before final registration day for the quarter. This fee is $25 for full time students and
prorated for part time students.
General Student Fee helps with library & computer development. This general student fee is
charged per quarter on the following scale: $25 – for 9 or more credits; $15 for 4 to 8 credits.
There is no “General Student Fee” charged when students take less than 4 credits.
Textbooks vary in cost from quarter to quarter. The College provides a book purchasing service
and books can often be purchased at reduced prices. Students should come prepared to pay for all
textbook related expenses for the quarter before attending classes.
Scholarships may be available for “On Campus” courses. Please check with the office.
Pastoral/Missionary Discount – For “On Campus classes” ministerial discounts may be available
for pastors, missionaries, their spouses & dependent children. Contact the SWBC office for details.